Introduction to Classical Figure Painting Course

Brush and Palette
In this course, students will focus primarily on a brush and a palette. Each student will start by mixing natural-grey scales. Understanding and seeing values is the first step on a never-ending journey toward excellence. Being able to deconstruct three-dimensional objects in nature and translate them onto a two-dimensional surface in paint is the main focus of this course.
Brush handling, paint application, and their limitations will be tested equally on both simple and complicated forms. In addition, students will experiment with different techniques to create even more convincing images.
More Information
If you need additional details about the schedule, availability, prize, or other options, please feel free to contact us at:
Figure Classical Painting Course

In this course, many aspects of fine art and classical art will be incorporated. At least one painting project will be completed by the artist. We begin the process of painting with an idea that we refine through sketches, composition adjustments, color sketches, preliminary drawings, underpainting, surface preparation, painting, final touches, and highlights to arrive at the finished artwork.
Freedom in Painting
Students have the freedom to create their own schedules in this course. Through critique classes, we will examine and adjust their artwork to manage their progress. During the painting demonstrations, the focus will be on addressing any unresolved issues with the students’ paintings. In this course, students will analyze works of old and contemporary masters, searching for pre-existing solutions and examples.
More Information
If you need additional details about the schedule, availability, prize, or other options, please feel free to contact us at: